Monday, October 13, 2008

Diesel xXx

OHHHHH HOW I WISH I WAS IN NYC THIS PAST WEEKEND! This past weekend was the 30th anniversary Rock & Roll Circus party for Diesel. Performers included Pharrell, T.I., M.I.A. & Rye Rye amongst others... Below are two vids, the first is a collab of Paper Planes with M.I.A. of course, Pharrell & Rye Rye and the second is M.I.A. performin her song Bamboo Banga (there's some profanity in the sec. vid., u know I can do without that). Contrary to my beliefs that M.I.A. was not retiring it was reported that she was saying, "thanks for coming to my last gig". Mann this is bad news M.I.A. is one of those few in the mainstream that offers diversity. But after the jump peep the campaign video for Diesel's xXx (30th). The vid. is pricelesss.